Thursday, February 10, 2011

**Goal Outfit**

I hate shopping for clothes - hate it, hate it, hate it!  But tonight I bought myself a goal outfit.  I was out shopping with my husband, and I found jeans and a cute top  - they don't fit me, right now, but I thought  - I really love this outfit!  So, I decided to make it my goal outfit that I can, hopefully, fit into by the end of March.  The jeans are only two sizes smaller than what I wear now, and, I think, that's doable in six weeks.  I think, the outfit will be a great motivator for me over the next six weeks.  And I told my husband if I reach this goal in six weeks I will go out and buy another goal outfit!  So, we'll see!!


  1. That is such a great idea and such a motivator. I know for me my motivator is being able to button my jeans that I have now without sucking in. I am about one inch away so it is so close and I know when that day comes I will then set another goal.

  2. Hi, Sarah! Oh, you ARE so close on those jeans! What a great feeling that will be to button them up! You'll get there soon!

  3. Are you going to wear that outfit on the weight losers group big night on the town the end of March??? Woo Hoo!
