Thursday, May 3, 2012

**Day 489**

I woke up with some major foot pain from my gym workout yesterday, so I didn't go to the gym today, but I iced my foot, on and off, all day, and I was able to take a 45 minute walk tonight with a couple friends - well, they ran, and I walked!  Wow, it was humid out there - I was a sweaty mess when I was done!  My foot did hurt as I was walking, but it was bearable.  I ordered this off Amazon (image from Google):
It's suppose to be good for stretching my foot, so we'll see - I'm desperate!  I refuse to quit exercising though, so I'm going to keep at it!


  1. SO very proud of you for your sticktoitaveness!!

    1. "sticktoitaveness" - I love it!! Thanks, Deb!!

  2. Hi Shannon - I need to spend some time catching up on blogs!Sorry to get back in the swing and then hear that you have a bum foot! That Plantars Fasciitis is a real killer - I know how much it hurts. Here's hoping you are on the mend soon!

    1. Thanks, Rochelle!! It's so great to hear from you! I hope all is well with you!

  3. I've never seen that foot rocker product before. Looks fun! LOL

    Are the exercises you're doing recommended by the physio/doctor?
