Sunday, November 27, 2011

**Days 329, 330, & 331**

I was going to make a joke about how awful I've been doing, but my poor food choices and lack of exercise over the last few days is, seriously, nothing to joke about!  This weekend was a test, and I failed, miserably.  I stepped on the scale this morning, and I'm too ashamed to even type the number I saw!  I'm putting the scale out of my mind until I weigh-in on Wed. (last day of month), and then I'll let you all know where I'm at, but, right now, I'm not in a good place, and I need take a couple days to get myself together.


  1. You'll get back on track, I know you will.
    If it makes you feel any better I believe my body too has been hijacked by a sausage being stuffed into my pants. Out of control..... It's been a nice break, but back to the gym we go. Maybe we can do some sort of food accountability too because somethin's gotta give here (in reference to my self, not you ; )

    What is your favorite website?

  3. It's interesting to see how people handled this first holiday. Now, to make a better and more focused plan for the next one? Be strong.

  4. Hi, Ellie! I handled it much worse than I thought I would. I can't believe I allowed myself to have the "oh, screw it" attitude! So, yes, I need to plan much better for Christmas!

  5. Maybe this will turn into a good thing in the long run. You've realised that you should have had a different attitude and in future you'll remember to approach other holidays differently. Good idea to take a few days to get yourself together, sometimes taking a break is a good way to refresh yourself and find the motivation to push on through the tough spell.

  6. You totally sound like me right now. I know how you feel and the good thing is that you are aware that you choices you have been making. As corny as it may sound, admitting you have a problem is the first step! So you know what you need to correct but don’t put yourself down to much we all have our slips. Trying to lose weight is hard enough but the pressure of holidays and not to mention crappy weather makes it harder. (Well for me bad weather is a downer and I always seem less motivated) I still say you are doing a great job and we have our bumps in the road but it gets better! :)

  7. Let's hug each other, eh?

    HUGS. :)

    Hang in there, babycakes. It's all we can do to keep goin'.

  8. Thank you Tim, Yolanda, and Chubby! I'm not giving up - I will keep going!
