Sunday, May 15, 2011

**Day 135**

Busy, busy weekend - theater performance on Friday, dance rehearsals and dance pictures on Saturday, and dance recital on Sunday!  Dang, my kids are busy!  It was a great weekend, but I'm glad it's over - I'm so, so tired!

Tonight, I did the 30 Day Shred, and WATP's 2 miles.  I did pretty good at sticking w/ my workout plan last week.  I didn't make it to the gym to do the elliptical, but I did my WATP's dvd instead.  I, definitely, want to make it to the gym this week because I don't want to start getting bored with my workouts here at home, so I will, FOR SURE, get to the gym two times this week!

I hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Happy Monday, Shannon! Take a mental rest today, okay? that...I mean make sure you get your workout in. ;)

  2. Happy Monday to you, too!! And, of course, I'll get my workouts in! Skipping is not an option! :)
