I picked up my race packet for the 5k I'm doing on Saturday:
And I, also, picked up some stuff for my nasty blisters:
Tonight was my first run since I got the blisters on Monday. One blister is almost, completely, healed, but the other one is being stubborn, and is still very painful. So, I used the above items before my run tonight, but by the end of mile one I could tell the bandages had slipped off because the blister was really burning, so I only ran the 1 mile:

I ran the mile at a 2.0 incline, and it kicked my butt! I'm still very slow, but I'm not surprised because I haven't been training like I should. Yes, my back was hurt for a week, and yes, I've been dealing with the blisters this week, BUT before that I just hadn't been giving it my all.
I did really good for the first six months or so, but for the last two months I feel like I've been doing the bare minimum. I'm not eating horribly, but I'm not eating as good as I should be. And I'm still exercising, but I'm not exercising at the level I should be. I've only been doing enough to maintain the 30 pounds I've lost. Sure, I'm glad I'm not gaining, but I need to get back to losing because I am far from being done! But you know what? I'm done talking about it. I can keep talking about what I should be doing. I can keep talking about what I'm not doing. I can keep talking about why I'm not doing what I need to be doing. OR I can shut up, and just do what I need to do. I don't want to be a "talker". I want to be a "doer". Doers make things happen, so I need to quick talking, and MAKE THIS HAPPEN! I know what I need to do, so I'm going to shut up, and do it!